
Below is a list of charities that we are considering. Please vote for the charity you prefer.

If you have a suggestion for another charity, please feel free to suggest it on Bitcointalk and we will think about adding it.

The voting will end on the first saturday of every month. Afterwards we will contact the charity and ask them what currency they prefer and change it accordingly.

RSCC Donation Wallet: SJRc9JLyEEZNqLoQH8rtpxYu2MY33HRbFw

Bitcoin Donation Wallet: 13dWPsGHCExGPzKNvLQ6thmDB7W4juDq1j

Thank you and happy voting:


How it works:

A portion of the 2,000,000 premined Charity RSCC Coins will be donated every month for 3 years. That means that every month 55,555 RSCC will be donated to the charity you choose.

Furthermore you’ll have the possibility to donate Coins which we will donate together with our 55,555 RSCC. We will setup a Bitcoin address as well so that you can also donate in a different currency. If you like the idea but want donate another cryptocurrency please don’t hesitate to contact us and we will setup a special account for you.

We’ll make a list with people who donated (of course, just if they want to and tell us their names) so that we and the charity has the possibility to thank them.

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